Friday, August 6, 2021

DFI: Workflow

 DFI: Workflow

Today we delved deeper into the L.C.S. pedagogy that Manaiakalani encourages. It is one that my Kura have been focusing on this past year, especially during the lockdowns. 

Thinking back on it we use our class sites to achieve this, setting up our tasks in Reading and Inquiry in the L.C.S. format. I believe it is a way that my students enjoy as well- just getting to read or watch/listen about a topic first.

Having Google Keep explained was interesting- a nice little add on, not necessarily one I would use, but it was good to know what it can do. My personal system of keeping track of notes and my to do list is chaotic, but works for me at the moment.

Filtering via labels in Gmail was new learning for me. With all the subscriptions and resources I have its nice to be able to organize my inbox a bit better.

The Create task was to look at a blog from a previous year, look at the teaching design, the learners response, and others reaction to it. I looked at Zara's from Belfast. We recorded ourselves talking about it, and then embedded it into our Blogs- below is the result (hopefully!)

I am not fully comfortable recording myself just yet so this activity was good practice. 


  1. Ka pai Robin. Yes I remember that blog post well, I even used it in a Cybersmart lesson last term. I'm glad you found some of the Gmail tips useful. It will be interesting to see how learn, create, share spreads across NWS and across different subjects in time. Have you thought about what might be a next step after reading and inquiry?

  2. Hey Robin, yeah students definitely enjoy learning through watching or listening to something before creating and sharing. That is awesome you are already using your class site. When it comes to the time we dig deep into using our class sites you could probably share all your tips 😊

  3. Morena Robin - I look forward to learning from you as you seem really on to it . Great video work!!
